Membership Chair Duties

Membership Chair Script

“I am (Your name) and the (Your business category in the Chapter) for this Chapter . As Membership Chair, I welcome guests and encourage them to apply for membership in PRE. Within each Chapter, we allow only one person who does what you do, so if you think you want to apply, please complete your paper work today. This begins the process of filling your category.

The cost of joining is _______. One of the many benefits of joining PRE is that our members serve as your sales force and are committed to using members services/products. Also, each member strives to maintain high ethical and professional conduct and performance.”

Overall Membership Chair Duties

  • Welcomes guests and gives each guest a Guest Packet where available and a Chapter monthly newsletter before the meeting begins.
  • Sends new member applications and checks to AREA Director no later than the second business day.
  • Follows-up with each guest no later than 3 working days after the weekly meetings to answer questions and encourage him/her to join.
  • Works with the Chapter President in formulating recruiting strategies and activities to grow and prosper chapter.
  • Works with the Area Director to direct member prospects to other chapters when the category is not open in your chapter.
  • Follows up with members who have left chapter to determine reason: i.e. unable to keep attendance commitment, financial difficulties, low referrals received, etc.